Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time Flies

Goodness me where has the summer gone? Little sister is now pulling herself up to her full height and trying to cruise along the sofa. She also seems to be showing far more interest in your cars than in her baby toys and you have a load of new words in your vocabularly including a very firm 'Mine'.
So - a progress update. You talk about the weather (rainingpouring), you can fill in gaps in songs (the wheels on the bus go 'roun an roun awdaylon'
You are stringing words together in ways that make perfect sense, Daddycup, Nanashoo. You have decided that Grandpa shall forevermore be called Papa and, of course, you are walking everywhere unless Mummy needs you to go in the Phil and Ted buggy because that makes life easier (and please don't kick Bea on top).
When you are out and about you like watching out for tractors, lorries and buses and you got very concerned when the fire alarm went off. I think you were convinced there was a neenaw upstairs. Trains are a big favourite, too, especially in stories.
But the big news of the week is that you did a poo on the potty. This may have been due to luck not judgment on your parents' part and we will have to see what happens next. But it was the first time Mummy had suggested you might like to sit on the potty and do a poo, so it was pretty impressive.
I still think Mummy will get the new puppy Poppy housetrained first.