Friday, December 26, 2008

And now you are a big brother

On Christmas Eve there was a special delivery at your home - a baby sister called Bea. I think you were actually having a nap when she arrived. I wonder how you feel about the new arrival?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It is two days before Christmas and we are awaiting the arrival of your baby brother or sister. Meanwhile you have been making the transition from baby to boy.
You have now walked five steps all by your self.
You have given Daddy, then Mummy, big sloppy kisses.
Mummy cut your hair with the clippers as it had grown very long at the back.
You no longer have bottles of milk and you don't often have jars of baby food. You are getting better about eating - but you would much rather feed yourself than have someone feed you. The only trouble is, you like dropping things on the floor and making a mess as much as you do putting things in your mouth and swallowing them.
You may not be able to tell us in words what you do want - but you have a very nice line in head shaking to tell us what you don't.
And you have discovered books. Especially books that do things. Elephant Wellyphant and Oh Dear are two of your favourites.